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Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the Commissaires-Glaneurs?

We are a group of Montreal Museum Studies students, hunter-gatherers of creations, who work on innovative exhibit projects. Through your creations, the Commissaires-Glaneurs invite you to collaborate on an interactive online exhibit project.

Who can participate?

Everyone! You, your parents, your girlfriend or boyfriend, your teacher, your friends… Whether you are a student, scientist, artist, fireman, philosopher, athlete or musician… Or whether you live in Matane, in New Jersey, Tahiti, or Mali, you are all invited to participate!

How many times can I participate?

There is no limit to the number of times you can submit material.
Remember, you only have until February 24th, 2013!




What do I send? What format do I send it in?

Any image or text in .jpeg, .pdf, .tiff, .png or .doc format that you can send us by email. In other words, anything that can be photographed, scanned, or typed… and that can be freely shared and posted on this website (see Disclaimer).

Here are a few examples:

  • A photo taken with your smartphone, Instagram, Camera+… It can come from your Facebook page or your personal archives…
  • A drawing, sketch, doodle, a drawing done on MS Paint…
  • A text, word, thought, poem, haiku…
  • A photo of an object, of a concert you attended, food you ate, a collage, something abstract, a snapshot of your last party...
  • Anything you can think of!

Unfortunately, we cannot accept or post any video or audio content, and we can only process files sent by email. Files sent with watermarks will not be posted.


Are there any restrictions concerning language?

We will accept and post any document regardless of the language (French, English, or other) as long as the material submitted respects the Terms of Use and Disclaimer (see Disclaimer).



What is the timeframe of the project?

The submission period will take place from February 7th to the 24th, 2013, inclusively.
The online exhibit will be published on April 19th, 2013.


What is this project for?

We are creating this online exhibit as part of a course in the Museum Studies Master program at UQÀM and Université de Montréal. We are interested in visitor interaction and participation in the context of an exhibit, particularly in its virtual form. We have decided to experiment with this phenomenon ourselves and will look into the role of the curators, those who plan and organise exhibits.

Do you select the material submitted?

How do you go about it? Why?

We will publish any material you send us, as long as it respects the guidelines previously mentioned (see FAQ #4) and as long as it respects human and intellectual property rights (see Disclaimer).

The material will first be presented as received, in other words, chronologically and following the sentence chosen by the contributor.

Then, we will present the material in a new layout, which we will develop following the submission period (ending February 24th, 2013). This layout will depend on the material you provide and the discussions the Commissaires-Glaneurs will have. It’s an experimental process!



How long will the exhibit remain online?

This period is yet to be determined considering the experimental nature of the project.

If I change my mind? If I want material I sent to be removed from the website?

We will remove any material at the request of its sender, owner or entitled persons.


How is this project different from Instagram, FlickR, or other similar platforms?

This online exhibit will investigate the role of the curator and the participative nature of the Web. It is a university research project with no commercial purpose.


What personal information will be published on the website?

We leave this up to you! You have the possibility of sending us your real name or a pseudonym along with your submission. But you can also participate anonymously.

You e-mail address will remain strictly confidential and will under no circumstance be disclosed to third parties.


What can I do with the images of this website?

The content of this website is freely posted and shared by the users, with no commercial purpose. The use and distribution of the contents of the website are governed by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.


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